Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Don't Stop Believing.....
Our oldest twinlet, Our Queen Bean had not been feeling well. Medical history, she had a UTI (urinary tract infection) at just 3 months and after a battery of tests, it was determined that there was nothing wrong with her. They gave her the antibiotics and she recovered quickly. Cut to her now being about 15 months. A fever of 102 starts to freak me out where my kids are concerned. I gave her Tylenol, the fever went away but came right back. I gave her Motrin. The fever went away but came right back. We went to Urgent Care where they diagnosed her with another UTI. I was actually relieved. We had been there, done that before...no big deal. Give her the shots and send us home. That is exactly what they did. It was only after that she wasn't eating or drinking.
On that Friday, the new X-men movie was opening so my husband took our older 2 and I stayed home with the girls. Beana was lethargic. She was not eating or drinking anything. Her fever was now at 103.5 and I was lying on the floor behind her watching t.v., trying to comfort her as much as I could. When the gang got home from the movie, my husband asked how long her face had been swollen like that? I was not looking at her face, so I rolled her over and the left side of her neck was swelling...right before our eyes. We knew that this was not normal and we thought that she was having an allergic reaction to the shots that had given her. We grabbed all the kids, little Piglet was in just a diaper and got into the car to get her back to Urgent Care. I was driving, the entire time thinking to myself that there really wasn't anything wrong and that we would get her to the hospital and they would fix her up.
Of the top 4 worst memories I have, this is number 1. While I was trying to turn into the parking lot of the hospital, my husband was turned around talking to Beana. As I got to the handicapped parking, I had not stopped the car yet, he opened the door and yelled to the Security Guard that we needed help because our daughter had stopped breathing! What? What did he say? It took me a moment to turn around, the car was not in park, to see her struggling to breathe. He was getting her out of her car seat and he ran, security guard with him, into the emergency room. I was left there. Sitting in a car, while my daughter was fighting for her next breath. I pulled into a parking space, left the oldest one in charge and rushed in. The nurse directed me to a room where my husband sat on a chair, holding our daughter, while they gave her oxygen. She was breathing on her own, but her throat was still swelling up and they were concerned that it would shut down her airway. He handed me my daughter, and I sat, stroking her hair, rocking her back and forth. This is when the praying gets louder in your head. Please don't let her stop breathing, please let her be alright. Please, Please....
The next words out of our Pediatrician's mouth will stay with me for my entire life. He turned to one of the 4 nurses in the room and asked them to get the helicopter to rush us to Children's Hospital in downtown. My God! How bad was this. They did not know what was happening. Nobody could give us an answer as to what was going on. But now they wanted to put her in a helicopter? Please, let her be alright...Please. It was decided to take her, by ambulance, to the nearest hospital, which is where she was born. They loaded me, holding her, onto a gurney and we were put in the ambulance. I was sitting up, looking out the ambulance door to my husband and 3 other children, and my husband's grandmother, who had already gotten there, and I finally began to cry. I watched as my son cried and there was nothing I could do to comfort him. It hurts my heart to think of it now.
We got to the hospital. We were put in the ER. They took blood. They took more blood. They gave her IV fluids. She was hooked up to several machines. And 5 hours later, they let us know that they did not have a Pediatric floor there and that they were now going to send us to another hospital that had a great Pediatric care unit. Our second ambulance trip. We got to the next hospital and were admitted immediately. Still, nobody could explain what was happening to her. Her neck was still swelling and had become hard. You could tell there was something there that hadn't been there before. My parents had come home from a trip to Hawaii around 10 pm and I finally reached them and let them know what was going on. It is always reassuring to hear your Mom's voice when you, as a Mom are suffering.
Four days! We were at this hospital for 4 days! It was a holiday weekend and we were basically told that we probably couldn't see a specialist until Tuesday. WHAT? This is my child here, suffering, not drinking or eating and definitely not herself. My husband's Mom, who is an RN came by, spoke to us about what we needed to do and my husband made our voices heard. We got an MRI and they finally gave us a diagnosis. She had an abscess on her esophagus. Whew. At least we knew what it was. The next few words from the specialist lips, is #3 on the list. She must have surgery, immediately. Surgery? She wasn't even 2 yet. She had to have surgery? They let us know that we were now going to be transferred to Children's Hospital of LA. Finally!
Our 3rd ambulance ride. When we got to CHOLA, we were happily surprised at how much they cared about what was going on with us. You are immediately struck by the look on the parents faces there. It is suffering. We suffer along with our children when they are not well. We saw a surgeon right away. He agreed that she needed surgery, but he wanted to wait to see if the swelling would go down on it's own. They started her on new antibiotics and we waited. Mind you, I had not been home or showered for almost a week. I was exhausted. Exhausted doesn't even describe what I was. I held her at night, praying each minute that I was there that she was going to get better.
It was about 7:30 am when the surgeon came in and said OK, let's operate! I was all alone. I called my husband and told him to get over here. The drive, with traffic would take about an hour and half. At 8:15 they said that it was time to take her to surgery. I called him, again. He was about 1/2 hour away, still.
I sat there, holding her, while they prepped her for surgery. They gave her medication that made her all glossy-eyed and woozy. I held her. I told her that my life was so much better with her in it. I kissed her. I stroked her cheek. I kissed her some more and then they took her from me. This was #1 on my list of worst moments. To have my child, who I carried in my body, who I gave life to, taken from me...not knowing what would happen next. They directed me to a waiting room. I walked out to the main entrance, where my husband rushed in. I collapsed in his arms. I had felt so alone and now that he was there, I could let it all out. We held each other for, what seemed like, hours. We went back to the waiting room. We waited. We tried to talk about something other than our situation. He kept me upbeat. He is great like that!
An hour and a half later, they told us that she had come out of surgery just fine and that we could see her soon. OH MY GOD! What a relief that I was going to touch her again. He called all of our families. I paced around the floor waiting to see her. And then, there she was. With a large white bandage around her neck, still woozy, but opening her eyes. As my tears rolled down my face onto hers, I felt such relief. A feeling that I have not had since then. No burdens. No money problems. No marital discord. Just relief.
So for the next 3 days, she pulled out her IV twice, she drank her bottles, she ate her jello and she was our girl again. Her sister and brother came to visit. Our friends visited. Our family came by. And we got to take our baby home.
Home. As we left the hospital, you are struck that some families never take their babies home from there. They go home to make funeral arrangements, not birthday plans. We are the lucky one's. Our Beana is well. She is here...for a long, long time to continue to torment her baby sister and make us laugh.
So, Beana...on this an Anniversary of sorts for us.. God Bless You. You are a part of us that we will never be able to live without. You are our Heart. You are our Soul. You are everything that is good in the world...if only you would stop biting! We love you, Bean!
Mirth & Merriment....
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Happy in the Abyss
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Money for Nothing...and the Chicks are free!
Ok. I am a woman now, but there was a time when I was just a girl with some scraggly hair, awful fashion sense and a dream. I can't remember the dream at the moment, but to think of the 80's definitely puts an expression on my face that is part reminiscent, part fear. Fear that perhaps my youth has passed me by and I wore too much day-glo. So, here we are...another Thursday, another Daily Dose. Following a theme, because I just adore themes (!), give me your Daily Dose of Favorite Songs From Your Childhood! By the way, childhood is birth to 18!
Here we go..memory lane, again!
#1- "Against All Odds" by Phil Collins
Phil Collins is master of the love ballad. I love this song. The memory attached to it, not so much. High School Dance. Pat Irwin. Broken Heart. Love Sucks. But, you coming back to me, is Against All Odds, It's A Chance I've Got To Take! Ahh...
#2- "Let It Be" by The Beatles
This is actually my first music memory. I was in the back of a station wagon- the one where you push the button to make the back window go down. What a great song, forget that it's my first childhood memory, just listen to it. When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me...speaking words of wisdom...Let it Be.
#3- "Suburbia" by The Pet Shop Boys
I love the Pet Shop Boys. This song reminds me of High School times...good times, which were rare. My little sister and I listening to KROQ (Rock of the 80's) and thinking we were hip. What a time.
Honorable Mention Alert! Anything by Duran Duran, Madonna, U2 or The Carpenters
Mirth & Merriment....and Music!!!!
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Happy in the Abyss
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
They Say It's Your Birthday...
Tomorrow will mark a milestone. Happy 40th Birthday to my pal, Claudia. Wow! I am happy to be able to have you in my life each day and to know that you are always there for me when I need you. There have been hard times and there will surely be more even though we pray each night that there won't. There will be more Birthdays. Yikes!
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Happy in the Abyss
Monday, May 21, 2007
Rainy Days & Monday's Always Get Me Down!
So, the June Gloom in So Cal has started and it is only May! What's up with that? I straightened my hair this morning and took 25 minutes to do it and it now looks like a tangled mess. Lovely. My beautiful office with a view looks like an overcast, rainy mess. I hate this in-between crap. either rain or don't. Don't just tease us with sprinkles. That is pathetic! Please don't get me wrong, I love the rain. I love the way the ground looks when it is wet. I love the smell of the wet grass.
I love splashing in puddles with my kids. I miss those days, when I was the tomboy being yelled at to get in the house because my pants were completely soaked. I miss being yelled at? You bet! I have allowed my son to splash around in puddles only because everybody needs to do that at some point in their lives. I like to let them run around in the rain. I like to give them candy before they have finished their meals. I like being a push-over, basically! It is cliche to say that I want my children to have everything that I didn't, but that is ridiculous. I want them to love life. I want them to enjoy every second of their day until their eyes finally shut for the night. I like that I have too many grey hair for someone my age. I like that I stress out about my son not wearing the clothes that I have picked out for him. I also like that he has an incredibly cool sense of style.
Basically, I enjoy motherhood. To all of you Mom's who know how this feels....a pat on the back. To all of you who have yet to become Mom's...good luck to you.. Do NOT come to me for any type of advice.
Mirth & Merriment...
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Happy in the Abyss
Thursday, May 17, 2007
That's Amore!
It is Thursday...
I do not consider myself a connoisseur of pizza, but I know what I like. I know that Domino's is tasteless and Pizza Hut is greasy. But, I also know that Round Table is one of the best things I have ever put in my mouth. Having been raised in California, I am not big on frilly pizza...no goat cheese....no spicy bbq chicken...just give it to me straight off the menu...and give it to me now!
So, without further ado...
- EVERYTHING! I am easy, don't tell my Mom. I like it all. However, when I say "all" I really don't mean all. I'm a woman...people! I like any place that can offer me their version of a Supreme (sausage, pepperoni, olives, green peppers, ONIONS, mushrooms and lots of cheese!) Again, I am a woman...I WANT IT ALL...but not...all!?
- Pepperoni! I love pepperoni. My little diva and son also like to go to Subway and have pepperoni added to their (hers) turkey and (his) roast beef sandwiches. They must get it from me? Who knows! All I know is that when money is good and I have some extra to throw around...I purchase pepperoni and eat them out of the bag while watching t.v. Bon Bon's got nothing on my 'roni's!!!
- Extra, Extra Cheese! Whether it is made from California cows or not, cheese is the best! If you take a bite of hot pizza, it is nothing without a little gooey-ness. I love that cheese can be dripping down the side as you fold it...love it!
Honorable Mention - Jalapenos...I like it spicy!
So, now it is your turn. Comment and let me know what you prefer to start your cholesterol racing...go ahead. Make my Day...
Mirth & Merriment...and mouthwatering!!
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Happy in the Abyss
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
What Child Is This???
My fantastic son has achieved something only 2 other First Grader's have done this school year. Yes, he throws Play Station controllers at me, yes I have been told I don't love him, but this is actually something grand!
On Friday, he will be receiving an "Outstanding Independent Reader" award at an assembly, that I will be filming, of course. He is awesome! He is reading at level 4.2, which means 4th grader, 2nd month.
We did really good with this kid. He is so smart and I am so very proud of him. He is kind. He is thoughtful. He is handsome. And I am blessed that he is MINE!
Way to go, little Man!!!!
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Happy in the Abyss
Friday, May 11, 2007
Isn't She Lovely!?
On the other hand, Piglet decided to play around and not give us the best shot possible....
Mirth & Merriment to you. If these pictures don't do it...check your pulse!!!
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Happy in the Abyss
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Leader Of The Pack (it's not me!)
We all have them. Some of us had them on Vinyl. Yes, vinyl. Some of us know all of the words to side b of that really popular song from the 70's, but do not want to admit it or just don't think anyone cares? What song takes you back? What song puts you in a great mood? What is the one song that you have to blast out of your mini-van or SUV? Don't be embarrassed. I'm not!
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Happy in the Abyss
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
I Honestly Love You!
If you read through my Easter blog you know that there is a new addition to our family. My fantastic cousin and his wife were blessed with a daughter. It is their first child and it took a lot for that little one to get here. With that said, it is with pleasure that I announce that they have honored me by asking me to be Eva's Godmother. What a wonderful surprise! I have 2 Godson's whom I love completely and to add to that feeling gives my heart such elation.
Just when you think things aren't exactly going your way, someone does something so spectacular (say that fast!) that you cannot help but feel overjoyed. So here goes....I am good at writing letters and here is my latest one.
My Dear Eva,
Welcome to the world, our little Angel. What a journey it took to see that pretty face and I think Mommy & Daddy will agree that it is worth it. You have only been here for a short while, but you have made everyone around you glow a little bit brighter.
I want to tell you a little about your Daddy. He is super, isn't he? I have known him my whole life and in that 36 1/2 years, he has amazed me with his talents, his care and respect and his awkward sense of humor. He is one of those people that I am not sure I could live without. He makes me happy. He has been there for me through some weird times (no prom date), bad times and good. I consider him, not just my cousin, but my true friend.
Your Mommy and I have some things in common. We are both Mommy's to daughters, but we also both love your Daddy so much! Her smile lights up the room when she walks in. Since she had you, the light is so much brighter! She is going to be a great role model for you. She is proud and honest. She is non-judging and open. She is beautiful and kind. She is awesome!
Eva, put your heart in to everything you do, but don't let that overpower what your mind thinks you should do. Don't be afraid of love. Yes, it can hurt, but when it is right, there is nothing like it. When you doubt yourself, look in the mirror. You are a wonderful person and as long as you think that, it will show to others. Find your strength in times of weakness in God. He is the one who has blessed us with your presence and we will thank Him everyday for that. I am so very proud to be witness to your life. God Bless You!
Mirth & Much Merriment!
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Happy in the Abyss
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Forever Young!
Today is May 8th and it marks a milestone to some people very near and dear to me. Today is my baby sister's eldest son's 18th Birthday! My very first nephew is now considered an adult. Seeing as he has already enlisted in to the armed forces, this comes as no surprise! So let me take you back 18 years...ready?
I was living in Grand Prairie, Texas going to Cosmetology School. Remember, Tracy? When I signed up for school they said that there was already someone with my name and because of the way you earned your hours, I would have to change my first name! HUH? WHAT? Cool...an alias! So I became Claire. A name that had so many meanings for me. First of all, it was Molly Ringwald's name in The Breakfast Club and it was also the name I chose at my Confirmation. "It's a Fat Girl's Name!" Anyway, I am getting off the subject.
About 9 months prior to May 8th, I received a call from my baby sister, letting me know that she was pregnant! Now, wait a minute! How old is she again? Ok, well knowing full well (stated in an earlier blog) that most people aren't waiting until marriage to have sex, that she if she was old enough, she was old enough! The funny part of the call was that she asked ME to tell her father! I started shaking. It felt like I was going to tell them it was me. I didn't want to face the wrath of a potential grandfather! Are you crazy? But, I told her that I would help her prepare them for the news of her new arrival.
So, I called my sister-in-law. Before you start calling me a chicken-shit, let me explain. I was in Texas. My little sister was in Arizona. My parents are in California and so is my brother and his wife. Logistics state that it would just be easier if she told them, since it wasn't a long distance call for her, right? I know...my logical way of thinking is not quite logical nor can it actually be called thinking! I do not know what happened next, but my parents found out. Nobody got a shotgun out. Nobody died. Nobody disowned anyone. It was all going to be OK.
Cut to May 8, 1989. It was a great day! The sun was shining and I had on my Ogle Cosmetology School lab coat. I was doing a wet-set on a lady who had not washed her hair since the week before when I had done it! Her beautiful grey hair curled up real nice! I heard a page over the intercom "Claire, you are an Aunt!" "Claire, can you come to the front desk?" I got so excited. I ran quickly, while still being safe, to the front desk and grabbed the phone. He was here! He was healthy! My sister was doing great! I was thrilled.
My baby sister joined our family when her Dad married my Mom, when we were both 5 years old. She is just 3 months younger than me and it felt like a perfect fit. She and I got along great! Today, she is a great friend! I consider her just as much my sister as one that I share both parents with. She is a strong woman, a great mother and intelligent beyond her years.
And today, she is the mother to an 18 year old boy. How proud she must be!
So, Sherry Baby, you made it through 18 years of Motherhood. Boy, have you had the ups, downs and sideways...but you made it my love. You are awesome and an inspiration! Enjoy today.
To my oldest nephew, since it is your big day I guess I better say something nice about you, huh? You are a fine young man doesn't seem to cut it. You are kind. You are funny. You make me so proud. I look forward to you serving your Country and making us all that much prouder. Stay safe. Be well. Love much. Live long...and prosper! Find your way home. I love you so very much and am proud to be your Aunt. Happy Birthday, Kyle!!!
Mirth & Merriment to you all
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Happy in the Abyss
Monday, May 7, 2007
Video Killed the Radio Star
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Happy in the Abyss
Friday, May 4, 2007
How To Save A Life
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Happy in the Abyss
God Only Know's What I'd Be Without You
Right before I entered the Graceland Wedding Chapel on a chilly January day in 2004, my dressed in all-black fiancee, turned to me, while drinking a bud light, and stated that the divorce rate, he quoted, was 1 in 4. I did not hesitate. I did not think twice about marrying him. I had loved this man for 3 years already, the next 50 would be fine with me. He is the great love of my life and even the ups and downs don't stop love!
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Happy in the Abyss
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Yesterday I found out that my new job is going to keep me on my toes and away from a desk. Not a bad thing for a gal who has been sitting answering calls for the past 5 years. Let me tell you about my day.
I arrived to work at 8:15 a.m., having already been awake for 2 hours. I was greeted by several items on my desk that needed urgent attention! That was all handled by 10:30. At 11:20 (my birthday!) my Manager decided that he was taking me to lunch and for a quick visit to our newest sites, acquired when we bought another company in February. OK then. Good thing because I was not too excited about my leftover spaghetti.
Lunch was at the Double Tree and I had a tuna melt...which was quite tasty. He discussed my job description and what I was to do. Gain the respect of the drivers so I was treated well. My confidentiality agreement...which I cannot discuss! We laughed, we ate, we got to know each other a little.
We drove to our site that is currently not a station because it has been under construction since November. It is large and dirty! Wearing flip-flops was not a great idea. We watched sweaty, large men (most of whom kept looking at me funny!) pour cement. That was fun! Fun, really, because it is the first time I have seen something go from the dirt to a building and I am excited to see it completed. Two more weeks? Yea, right?!
Our next stop was our Montebello location, which has a small c-store on site. It is a very clean place! Our guys working there are friendly and kind One even offered to buy me a piece of bazooka gum, but had to ask the other guy for a nickel to do it! Kissing ass, maybe?
After that we took a deposit to the bank and headed back to the office. It was a nice day. My manager does not have the reputation of being a kind person. Not a friendly person. But, I found that he can be. He can also be a pain in the ass, but that is his job. He is a MANAGER. When the shit comes down, it comes down on him and he has to pay for other people's errors or mistakes. I can respect that! Anyone who cannot, well they have never been there!
So then I got to work some more in the office. Filing, doing PO's, gathering receipts for monthly expense reports, calculating information for the monthly newsletter and answering questions from our Maintenance workers. At 4:40, I left for my other full-time job...HOME!
WHEW! It was a busy, productive, hot day but I am happy for the experience. Of course I have only been at this for a few days, so ask me in a few months about my happy-level!
Mirth & Merriment...
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Happy in the Abyss
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
All By Myself
I finally got to move into my new office today. This deserves cheers that I am moving up and able to experience all kinds of new crap. The kind of crap that you have to get off your desk so that they can shovel more on...you know what I mean! However, I leave behind a great bunch of Customer Service Rep's that I will miss sharing daily life with. It may seem like I am dying or something, but I am significantly down the hall, alone...hence the blog title for today!
I will miss all of them dearly. Hopefully, they will still tell me of wedding plans (JK), new bathroom tile (BZ), single life (DN), useless baseball trivia (JP) and homemade dinners for two (JD)! Each of you shares a special place in my heart.
Those of you in the "other room"...my ladies! My ladies! I hope that you will all get your daily dose of aerobics and get down here to share in my chocolate and candies! That isn't sexual, by the way! I really do have Jolly Ranchers & Chocolate on my desk.
As for my former manager, Miss M...you took a chance in a temporary Receptionist about 5 years ago and handed me a ringing phone and said "Answer It!" All these years later, I consider you such a great mentor and friend. You and I are kindred spirits of sorts, sharing stories of the old days...the 80's for us...and all the great songs that we shared, separately!
My only saving grace in leaving the CS/Sales Department is that we are still in the same building, connected by the breeze-less, breezeway! I am here...check the in/out board!
Enough Said.
Mirth & Merriment....as always!!!
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Happy in the Abyss