Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Forever Young!

Today is May 8th and it marks a milestone to some people very near and dear to me. Today is my baby sister's eldest son's 18th Birthday! My very first nephew is now considered an adult. Seeing as he has already enlisted in to the armed forces, this comes as no surprise! So let me take you back 18 years...ready?

I was living in Grand Prairie, Texas going to Cosmetology School. Remember, Tracy? When I signed up for school they said that there was already someone with my name and because of the way you earned your hours, I would have to change my first name! HUH? WHAT? Cool...an alias! So I became Claire. A name that had so many meanings for me. First of all, it was Molly Ringwald's name in The Breakfast Club and it was also the name I chose at my Confirmation. "It's a Fat Girl's Name!" Anyway, I am getting off the subject.

About 9 months prior to May 8th, I received a call from my baby sister, letting me know that she was pregnant! Now, wait a minute! How old is she again? Ok, well knowing full well (stated in an earlier blog) that most people aren't waiting until marriage to have sex, that she if she was old enough, she was old enough! The funny part of the call was that she asked ME to tell her father! I started shaking. It felt like I was going to tell them it was me. I didn't want to face the wrath of a potential grandfather! Are you crazy? But, I told her that I would help her prepare them for the news of her new arrival.

So, I called my sister-in-law. Before you start calling me a chicken-shit, let me explain. I was in Texas. My little sister was in Arizona. My parents are in California and so is my brother and his wife. Logistics state that it would just be easier if she told them, since it wasn't a long distance call for her, right? I know...my logical way of thinking is not quite logical nor can it actually be called thinking! I do not know what happened next, but my parents found out. Nobody got a shotgun out. Nobody died. Nobody disowned anyone. It was all going to be OK.

Cut to May 8, 1989. It was a great day! The sun was shining and I had on my Ogle Cosmetology School lab coat. I was doing a wet-set on a lady who had not washed her hair since the week before when I had done it! Her beautiful grey hair curled up real nice! I heard a page over the intercom "Claire, you are an Aunt!" "Claire, can you come to the front desk?" I got so excited. I ran quickly, while still being safe, to the front desk and grabbed the phone. He was here! He was healthy! My sister was doing great! I was thrilled.

My baby sister joined our family when her Dad married my Mom, when we were both 5 years old. She is just 3 months younger than me and it felt like a perfect fit. She and I got along great! Today, she is a great friend! I consider her just as much my sister as one that I share both parents with. She is a strong woman, a great mother and intelligent beyond her years.
And today, she is the mother to an 18 year old boy. How proud she must be!

So, Sherry Baby, you made it through 18 years of Motherhood. Boy, have you had the ups, downs and sideways...but you made it my love. You are awesome and an inspiration! Enjoy today.

To my oldest nephew, since it is your big day I guess I better say something nice about you, huh? You are a fine young man doesn't seem to cut it. You are kind. You are funny. You make me so proud. I look forward to you serving your Country and making us all that much prouder. Stay safe. Be well. Love much. Live long...and prosper! Find your way home. I love you so very much and am proud to be your Aunt. Happy Birthday, Kyle!!!

Mirth & Merriment to you all


the rotten correspondent said...

As the person who actually made that (local) phone call, I could fill in some details, but won't. Oh my god, I got Kyle's graduation pictures and thought "how did this incredible kid get so BIG? and so FAST!" Happy Birthday, Kyle. And to you too, Sherry. You done real good. We love you all!

El Reservado said...

Seems like yesterday, doesn't it. I couldn't have done it without my family and friends. There were many times I needed "pick me ups" and you were there! Thank you!! Love you Sis!!

Miss T said...

There is absolutely NO WAY Kyle is 18!!!!! I DO remember when that happened. I am actually in shock - I can't believe its been that long or that we have actually KNOWN each other that long!!!