Right Now!
I have enjoyed eating many different things in my life. I love SPAM fried up with eggs or mac n cheese. I have eaten tongue sandwiches and licked my fingers afterwards. I have eaten rabbit – and yes, it tastes just like chicken. I ate paste and crayons as a kid. Heck, I have put things in my mouth that I cannot even discuss in public. But, I can honestly say that I will now announce a list of things that, even in my reigning fat girl champion status, will never, did I say never, enter my mouth, let alone have the opportunity to digest in my body.BALUT. What the f***! Who on earth could think that eating an embryo would be delicious?
I understand that it is a different culture than the one I know and love, but come on! Seriously, feathers and a beak and you eat it? You chomp it? You crunch down on the little thing like it is a Double Double with grilled onions and that is normal? I have watched Fear Factor many times and seen them eat most of the things that are on this list, but I would have to smoke some pretty amazing pot before putting this in my mouth…even for a Million dollars! Now my good diva-ish friend Hoa swears that they are quite tasty...but still? Are you f'in kidding me? AN EMBRYO? IN MY MOUTH? HELL to-the NO!
ANYTHING ALIVE. There will be no Madagascar hissing cockroaches moving around in my mouth. No beetles. No spiders. No lizards…nothing. There is just no way! On FF I see them putting spiders in their mouths and covering their noses. WHY? Do the spiders smell bad? I think I would handle the smell, dude…it’s those hairy legs tickling your lips while you are opening wide for an eight legged snack. I am good with things that are dead…however…..
INSECTS, BUGS or ANYTHING FROM NATIONAL GEOGRPAHIC. Even dead, I am not sure that anything listed above or crickets or ants would ever be something I could eat and then say, with my eyes widening “MMMMMM”.
As I devour my fresh blueberry bagel from Claudia (thanks) just thought I would allow you into my head for a moment in time. Now that you’ve been there, now you understand the way I am, right? RIGHT.
Have a great weekend, my peeps!
Mirth & Merriment….
the picture you have on your posting does look gross but i bet if you did try it then you wouldn't think so bad about it, but hey you ate rabbit and that's the cutest thing on earth and i NEVER ate rabbit so that's GROSS!!!
I would never last a minute on Fear Factor. The second the gross food came out I'd be GONE!!
I saw something really recently about balut and now I know what it is. Ugh.
On average, you consume 12 to 14 insects per year while you sleep. Sweet dreams are made of this...
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