Good Thursday to all you happy, depressed, lonely, happily married readers. Did I cover it? Good!
Anyway, it is time for your Daily Dose and today I am doing something a bit different. I want to know the top 3 things YOU CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT but I am applying rules:
Rule #1- You cannot name spouse, children, family or friends. Those are a given. We all know that, although you would be a much more sane individual without them, we cannot live without our kids and hubby!
Rule #2- For each thing you name, you must reference a quote or song about it.
So, here are mine...
COFFEE. In any form, be it ice cream or hot lava being poured down my throat...I just couldn't imagine a day without it. And even though I do not have a cup every day, the idea that I could if I wanted (needed) to is enough for me. However since decaf is the devil's blend, I prefer as much caffeine as possible. At Starbucks, my order is a triple Venti Caramel Macchiato. Yes, triple shot! You gotta problem with that? I didn't think so. The last thing you want to see is me without caffeine. Trust me. It is not pretty. Remember Richard Nixon? I look like him, only with better hair!
Coffee is the best thing to douse the sunrise with. ~Drew Sirtors
MUSIC. If I was stranded on an island with nothing, but coffee...I would still require a soundtrack to live by. My life has always had surround sound, even before we knew what that was. Whether I had just AM radio or a lifetime supply of CD' life would not be the same without them.
Music...makes the people....come together - Madonna
MY BRA! Yes, I know. It seems a tad superficial to speak of, but come on. If I went without, eyes would be black....and people would stare....and not necessarily the people who you want staring, either. If I only had one, which I have done before (yes, I washed it everyday!) that would suffice. However, if I were given a shopping spree to Creative Woman....I would buy one in every color, every style and be the happiest girl on earth. Did I ever tell you about the time I went with my chest-deprived sister in law to try on a Water Bra? Hi, Jules!!!
Oh I have a brand new bra on
A brand new bra have I
The elastic isn't shot
And it's not full of holes
And both my boobs
Point in the same direction now. . . .Oh I have a brand new bra on!
THE BRA SONG ( I didn't make it up!)
So, go for it. Be creative, as I know you all are.
Mirth & Merriment.
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