Thursday, April 26, 2007

Cornflake Girl

On my drive to work this morning, one of my favorite artists, Tori Amos, was on our local station KROQ. I love Tori Amos. I listened her to discuss the art that was vinyl and that she still makes sure that her music is put on to records. For those of you who are too young to remember, before mp3, cds, tapes...there was vinyl. Ahh...just saying it brings back days of listening to my brother play "Breakfast in America" by Supertramp.

When I got into the office, my manager...we will call him Neil, was discussing that he had heard her on the radio. He mentioned it only because he knows that I am a fan of hers. He then went on to discuss what a whack job she is with all of her multiple personalities. He actually said that she was a Psycho! I would have been insulted and appalled, but I wasn't. OF COURSE SHE IS A PSYCHO! Anyone knows that someone with the prolific talent that she has as a songwriter, musician and FEMALE has to come from another side of her. HELL, for that matter, any artist who can use their craft in a manner such as Ms. Amos, has got to be off their rocker. Example, of course, Robert DeNiro. How in God's name could a man play Travis Bickle and still be sane afterwards. How can someone like Martin Scorsese think of the scenes he puts onto film and be "normal"? Jim Carrey, and I am not a big fan, but he has got to be one of the oddest people on the planet for being able to pull off what he puts on to the big screen!

So, Neil....I could quote the whole stones, glass houses, bullshit that seems fitting, but I will only say this. How can I put this eloquently? Don't like it....Don't listen!!! Nah. How about Prozac Makes Genius Happen? Maybe.

Mirth & Merriment....Especially for you, Neil!!!!

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