Monday, March 26, 2007

Lavendar Bridesmaid Dress Revisited!

OK. Right back at ya! Did you notice that I chose to write my blog in purple....not exactly my favorite color...but still...The Memories!

So, I am doing exactly what the third born child should do...copy everything that the older sib's do...even the in-lawed one's! for who I am, give me a break! If I knew that I wouldn't be medicating myself to control the voices in my head! I am a wife, which makes being a little sister look like being on vacation in the Bahamas (RIP ANNA NICOLE!). Just kidding! After 7 years together...what more could I ask for? A new car, perhaps?

I am a Mother of 4...two of those are now do you see why I am medicated? Where are those pills? I am a daughter to a strong mother and charming father (not the actual sperm donor, by the way). I am a a big brother, a big sister and a little sister...all of whom survived our childhood with flying colors! Thank God!

So, I will write down all of my thoughts and innermost feelings and you Married Moms can either delete me with the whole "been there, done that crap!" or for my Singled on and laugh while you sit in front of your 'puter with your Cookies n Cream ice cream while shopping online for your Manolo's. You too will have stretch marks, girls! Fear not!

Ciao for Now!


the rotten correspondent said...

The sad thing is that you just sat down and whipped this out. Do you have any IDEA how long it took me to figure out this whole blog thing????Isn't this exciting? We can dish together! (can you help me remeber how to smile...)

New 'Do said...

This comes from the MAKER of lavendar bridesmaid dresses:
Can it be twenty years ago you all rustled yourselves down the aisle? Oh, the memories. Beautiful bride, pretty (in lavendar taffeta) bridesmaids, nervous groom and extremely proud parents - all 6 of them. What a day!