Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Where Is The Love?

As a female driver in Southern California I will always be on the end of several jokes. However, I do consider myself a good driver, as long as there is something good on the radio. I only have about a 1/2 hour commute, both ways to and from work so I am not on those horrible freeways for long, but the minutes I do spend on them is filled with the ridiculous!

210 freeway westbound at approximately 7:35 a.m. -
Female driver changing lanes sporadically without use of turn signal! Honked at not once, but twice, but other motorists. No visible bumper sticker on car.

605 freeway southbound at approximately 7:44 a.m. -
Female driver attempting to merge into freeway traffic, while going 35 mph. She was riding the shoulder because nobody would let her over. That is, until I showed up. I slowed WAY DOWN and signaled her to come on in! She did, but without a hand sign saying "thank you, kind motorist for allowing me into your lane!" That pissed me off! After all the rude drivers not letting her in, I was nice enough to and got nothing! What the hell?

No. There is no reason both of my examples are female, except that is what I endured this morning. Just wanted to share a little of my morning with you.

Mirth & Merriment!!!!

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